Cavities, like all diseases, must be treated as quickly as possible (before the first pain) to avoid complications.

In fact, when it gets too close to the nerve, acute pain can occur suddenly. This is known as toothache. To relieve the pain while you wait for your dentist to intervene, you can take a painkiller, paracetamol or ibuprofen, in the doses recommended by your pharmacist. It is best to avoid aspirin in this case.

Amalgams (fillings): These can be removed, with certain precautions, because they are either defective, unsightly or a source of problems due to their mercury content. They are replaced with tooth-coloured composite resins.

Inlay/Onlay: in some cases, cavities caused by caries represent too large a tooth surface to be supported by a conventional restoration.

For this reason, we have to have the repair carried out by the dental technician, who prepares a hybrid part (composite/ceramic) that is stronger and can withstand the stresses of chewing. This part will be bonded and will fill the tooth cavity.

Endodontics: More commonly known as root canal treatment. Unfortunately, they are sometimes unavoidable. Contrary to popular belief, they are now painless. They are often the first source of infection (abscesses) either because they are insufficient or too old.